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Staying active
and on your feet
Have regular
check-ups and
ask your health
professional for
advice on activities
to improve balance
and strength.
Your health
A number of health conditions can affect your
ability to move around or make you feel unsteady
on your feet. These conditions include arthritis,
osteoporosis, diabetes, heart problems, depression,
Parkinson’s disease and dementia.
These conditions may increase the risk of losing
your balance, tripping and falling. Even short­‑term
illnesses (such as the fu or other infections) can
affect your stability.
Have regular check-ups and talk to your health
professional for advice on how these conditions
might affect you. You can also get advice on
activities you can safely do to regain balance,
strength and confdence.
Our eyes change rapidly as we age, and it becomes
more diffcult to judge distances, cope with glare
and adjust to sudden changes in light. This can affect
your ability to see the edges of steps and stairs.
Bifocal, trifocal or multifocal glasses increase the
chances of falling, as the changes in the lens can
make it diffcult to judge distances and see objects
on the ground.
Other eye conditions, such as macular
degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic
retinopathy, impair vision. They may require you to
learn new skills to move around safely.