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Active and Healthy: Information for exercise program providers

Our Active and Healthy directory is designed to help older Australians improve their health and wellbeing by being more physically active.

This page covers what you need to know if you provide exercise or fall prevention programs for over 50s and would like to list them on our Active and Healthy directory.

To list an exercise program, all you need to do is register as an exercise program provider on Active and Healthy. 


Frequently asked questions for exercise providers:


Sherrington C, Michaleff ZA, Fairhall N, Paul SS, Tiedemann A, Whitney J, Cumming RG, Herbert RD, Close JC, Lord SR. Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med bjsports-2016-096547. Published Online First: 4 October 2016.

Sherrington C, Whitney JC, Lord SR, Herbert RD, Cumming RG, Close JC. Effective exercise for the prevention of falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2008 Dec; 56(12):2234-43.